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Arrest Warrant Issued In Nevada For Bryan Micon


While the Bitcoin is moving forward like an unstoppable train across the world, with more and more companies embracing the coin and more merchants accepting it, it’s not everyone who is currently enjoying it as much.

Bryan Micon, professional poker player, former chairman of SealsWithClubs and current owner of SwCpoker, has got a arrest warrant issued on him in the state of Nevada, which practically means that if he goes to the US he will be arrested.

Micon has been charged with a Class B felony, for operating an unlicensed and unregulated poker site in the state of Nevada. Should he be arrested, trialed and found guilty, Micon can be looking at up to 10 years in prison and a fine upwards of $50,000.

While there are no exact details available from the state attorney yet, they have announced that they will be hosting a press conference to give the press the details about the case and what it is exactly that Micon did that was against the law.

What we do know is that the charges against Micon is for running the Bitcoin poker site SealsWithClubs, which was shut down in February, right after Micon’s Las Vegas residence was raided by local police forces and the Nevada Gaming Commission. 

The police raid was unwarranted and Micon explained in this video that his house door was kicked down by police forces with big guns, who didn’t listen when he said that he wasn’t going to do anything. Furthermore they scared his kids and wife during the raid, only to confiscate a few computers.

“A bunch of guys with guns broke down my door, put me in handcuffs, serving a warrant from the Nevada gaming commission. The 10 agents stole most of my electronics” Micon says in the video, adding:

“After I was lead out in handcuffs in my underwear, it was pretty clear that it was proper to leave sooner rather than later and I didn’t really want my two-year-old daughter, whom I love very much, to grow up in a police state where creativity was met with guns and what not.”

Shortly after the raid, SealsWithClubs shut down and asked players to cash out their Bitcoins as soon as possible to avoid troubles. Micon then decided that he wanted to continue operating SealsWithClubs and opened up its sister-site SwCpoker, which is currently operating without issues.

The case in general seems a bit like an overkill as SealsWithClubs was not making millions from offering Bitcoin poker. While they did serve US players, there are plenty of bigger poker networks and sites out there who does the same.

Micon left for Antigua shortly after the raid in his home and probably doesn’t plan on going back to the US to face a trial for operating a Bitcoin poker site in the state. Micon stated through his lawyer that he doesn’t feel like he did anything wrong or unethical in operating the site.

“Bryan has always maintained that he committed no wrongdoing, but I’m not in a position to comment on the Attorney General’s filing because I haven’t seen it,” said defense attorney Richard Schonfeld to ReviewJournal.com.
