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Alan Draper

Jazz Sports Sportsbook Review

Jazz Sports cater to the tastes of many with good Sports book, Casino and Racebook options in addition to Live Betting. It is also a Bitcoin sport betting site which caters for Bitcoin withdrawal and Bitcoin deposits.

On-line since 1997, Jazz Sports can boast of many years of experience in the market. They are licensed in San Jose, Costa Rica and are part of the DPT Group. Given their long numbers of years in existence, it might be assumed that they are a reliable outfit with which do some business. At any rate, they offer customers an exciting betting environment in which to play.


On-line since 1997, Jazz Sports can boast of many years of experience in the market. They are licensed in San Jose, Costa Rica and are part of the DPT Group. Given their long numbers of years in existence, it might be assumed that they are a reliable outfit with which do some business. At any rate, they offer customers an exciting betting environment in which to play.


The website is designed in mainly black and blue with scrolling options featuring upcoming events from their Sports book as well as up-to-date casino options. All the relevant information can be found on the homepage but, unlike some other sites, Jazz Sports manage to do this without making the site look clunky or overwhelming. It is user-friendly for novices and professionals alike.


Jazz Sports have a wide range of bonuses available for depositing players which include graded Cash and Free Play opportunities in addition to monthly Cash Back and Referral offers. The rollovers are reasonable although they do rise relative to the bonus on offer.

Their website also outlines an Extra 10% Free Play Bet which is open to those who deposit and bet Bitcoin. However, the details stipulate that this offer expired on Thanksgiving Day 2015. Such an oversight on the part of the administrators doesn’t speak well of the site.

Alan Draper
Alan Draper

Alan has been working in the gambling industry for over a decade and is a prolific writer on blockchain gambling. He uses his expert knowledge of cryptocurrencies, sports betting, and online casinos to bring you the highest quality crypto gambling guides out there. Alan Draper is a highly experienced and knowledgeable gaming expert, who has been involved in the gambling industry for over a decade. He has developed an extremely detailed comprehension of bitcoin gambling through his work as the Chief Editor of Business2Community.com, StockApps.com & InsideBitcoins.com. Alan's expertise extends beyond merely understanding the technical aspects of blockchain gambling, as he is also capable of making gambling strategies easily digestible and writing up honest brand reviews.