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Alan Draper

WeathBet Sportsbook Review

WeathBet is a predictions market betting site that only accepts wagers on weather patterns all over the world. It is one of the most unique sites in its niche and doesn’t have much competition in the space whatsoever.

About WeathBet.com

WeathBet has got to be the absolute most interesting Bitcoin sportsbook out there. Before we venture any further, it is important to note that WeathBet is far from your traditional sportsbook. Rather than betting on sports like baseball and soccer, WeathBet—as its name implies—allows you to place wagers on the weather conditions of certain areas, regions, and cities. While, at first, this might seem like the most ridiculous thing you have ever heard of, it is really one of the most perfect forms of betting as the weather, unlike just about every sporting event, cannot be influenced by human activity.

We sort of glossed over it above, but it is also important to note that WeathBet is a Bitcoin (as well as other cryptocurrency) betting site. What this means is that rather than banking and betting in traditional, fiat currencies such as the USD, you are only able to use cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Litecoin and Dogecoin. Though we could write a book with regard to what Bitcoin is, all you need to understand is that it is a currency just like any other, only it exists exclusively online.

Alan Draper
Alan Draper

Alan has been working in the gambling industry for over a decade and is a prolific writer on blockchain gambling. He uses his expert knowledge of cryptocurrencies, sports betting, and online casinos to bring you the highest quality crypto gambling guides out there. Alan Draper is a highly experienced and knowledgeable gaming expert, who has been involved in the gambling industry for over a decade. He has developed an extremely detailed comprehension of bitcoin gambling through his work as the Chief Editor of Business2Community.com, StockApps.com & InsideBitcoins.com. Alan's expertise extends beyond merely understanding the technical aspects of blockchain gambling, as he is also capable of making gambling strategies easily digestible and writing up honest brand reviews.