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Alan Draper

WeBetCoins Review

WeBetCoins (WBC) is one of the oldest (bitcoin) sportsbooks I’ve reviewed thus far. They’ve been around since 2011 (from what I can tell).

But they didn’t always offer sports betting.

Back when they first started they were a prediction market site. Probably one of the first. Users would come up with events they think would take place in the future (now), and then other users would vote yes/no with their money.

There are other outfits with similar business models. BetMoose comes to mind, as does Predictious.com.

But not WBC; they switched gears. Now you can bet on sporting events using bitcoin, dogecoin or litecoin.

Feel free to check them out yourself. Otherwise, continue reading our review below. And if you have any questions we fail to answer, you can reach WeBetCoins at: [email protected].


Other than accepting bitcoin, WeBetCoins isn’t much different than your traditional sportsbook.

For example, you can bet on sports such as:

  • Soccer
  • Tennis
  • Basketball
  • Baseball
  • Golf
  • Football
  • Fighting
  • Other / Volleyball
  • Special events like the World Cup and Super Bowl

That includes professional, college and high school games. The high school option is unique – I can’t think of a sportsbook offhand that offers it.

They have live betting too, when available.

Your betting options are standard too. Those include moneylines, totals, straight, order and parlays.

The last thing worth noting is their margins – it’s 3 percent. That’s on par with the other sportsbooks and prediction sites we recommend joining.


Let me start by saying this—WeBetCoins does not have a promotions page. So, figuring out what you get, if anything, and how you earn it, is a mystery.

It doesn’t help that they have accounts at multiple forums, all of which say something different.

So the following is based on the details I dug up from forums, and a vague response I received from them by email.

The first offer is a FREE .005 bitcoin. I found this one by accident – I created my account, and when I logged in, I noticed that I had .005 bitcoin sitting in my account.

That’s about $1.80 at today’s rates.

According to their support you can cash out once you reach .03 bitcoin.

The other two offers they have include:

  • A 25% deposit bonus for new users.
  • -105 reduced juice.

They gave me no details for either of these, including rollover requirements, min/max allowed (for the bonus), or if the reduced juice prevents you from participating in the other offers.

I suggest sending them an email prior to going through with any of these offers. In the meantime, if we get a response from them we’ll post the update here.

Alan Draper
Alan Draper

Alan has been working in the gambling industry for over a decade and is a prolific writer on blockchain gambling. He uses his expert knowledge of cryptocurrencies, sports betting, and online casinos to bring you the highest quality crypto gambling guides out there. Alan Draper is a highly experienced and knowledgeable gaming expert, who has been involved in the gambling industry for over a decade. He has developed an extremely detailed comprehension of bitcoin gambling through his work as the Chief Editor of Business2Community.com, StockApps.com & InsideBitcoins.com. Alan's expertise extends beyond merely understanding the technical aspects of blockchain gambling, as he is also capable of making gambling strategies easily digestible and writing up honest brand reviews.

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